The space between

Welcome to the

August New Moon Letter

This month’s letter comes from the depths of my own process and current experience. Scroll down for a channeled audio message and some highlights of July. At the bottom of the email is an opportunity to share a donation if you feel inspired to do so.

Grab a favorite beverage, get comfy and let’s dive in!

Where I am right now, is that liminal space.

I’m between worlds of the old and the new.

What is a sustainable approach to experiencing my life in the most expansive and aligned way I know is possible?

In this liminal space, the best thing to do is surrender to the daily whims of your heart. Release all pressure to have it figured out. Notice what narratives and beliefs arise in your thoughts. Anchor any inspired action into your body and breathe. It’s not the time for rushed action, towards anything, it’s a time for maintaining the vision through enjoyment of the day and shifting our disempowered thoughts. It is all taken care of.

The new world, one that I’m embodying more and more with every breath, is the true world. The world where the questions posed in The Bliss Project are answered and my subconscious beliefs are working in my favor. Where everything is brought to me in a way that is easeful, delightful, and aligned.

In this moment I am being reminded of two important things about myself and my unique journey. Maybe, you are learning this lesson too.

  1. I don’t chase, I attract. Less outreach and more inner alchemy. It feels frustrating sometimes because I feel like I can’t do anything about my circumstances, but also I don’t want to do anything because those actions don’t feel sustainable. I’m learning how to let my higher self lead the way. I’m learning how to focus on my inner world to change my outer experience. I’m learning to accept the void has its own divine timeline.
  2. Integrating a lesson into embodied wisdom means it becomes the beliefs that create my world. The lesson and the layers of that lesson is fully integrated once it syncs to the depths of your bones and simply is who I am without shame, shyness, or conscious effort.

The more comfortable we are sharing with others the honesty of our true self, the more our authentic being will ripple out and inspired others to blaze their own trail too.

It will inspire others to rethink their world view and make a choice to say no to what no longer serves them as a unique individual, and say YES to what does.

The space between a no and a yes, is a liminal space where trust in a higher power and your higher divine self is
Fill that space with focusing on delighting your self, hold your heart and be in your own deliciously fantastical world. Mine is called Erika Land. This is the place I feel free, I feel my inner child, my shamanic self, and am safe to see the world with wonder and a loving gaze. It’s a place of presence.

What we change from the inside, changes the outside. Every choice we make to be in alignment with the energy of abundance, the mindset of I am worthy, I am whole, and my desires for my life are actually exactly what will radically shift this planet. Every choice that is best for you and your holistic wellbeing anchored in love is establishing the new world we are collectively creating.

Through every tear, moment of awareness, deep breath, choice to sit rather than run, lesson learned, intuitive yes and no, we are all coming back home to loving our self… deeply. Love is what guides us through fear.

Love cracks us open to remember that deep sense of interconnectedness we have with every thing that exists on this planet.

Evolving our internal world takes time. It’s important we go at our own pace.

Feeling through and alchemizing density of generations of pain into love and maintaining our inner peace is a daily practice.

The best way to do it, is by bringing awareness to our breath and devoting a moment to be present with your entire body.

This transitional place between worlds I’m in is huge. It is a time where I am integrating my authentic nature and everything I’ve learned up to this point into my bones. Preparing my foundations while my higher self co-creator is making arrangements behind the scenes for something even better than I could imagine.

Wishing you so much love and comfort wherever you are.

~ Erika

Want to dive even deeper with a channeled audio message?

Tune in below

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Audio with video and captions

A Few Favorite Moments of July

Navigating the feeling of limitation and finding freedom within that space. Here are some July Highlights!

Serena the cat, pretending I’m a Greek Goddess being fed grapes, exploring towns and farms around Vermont, and getting ingredients to try something new.

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