First, reconnect with the “Why” of a morning routine

I used to struggle with the concept of a morning routine. Those infographic style images on Instagram felt so wrong and inauthentic. In my nature, anything I am told to do because I “should” or it’s “good for you” is hard to accept and actually do. I don’t like being told what to do. However, in my own time I’ve discovered and understood in a deeper way, why mornings are sacred. And why, those first hours are so important to setting up the day for success.

They start with the first moments after waking from your dreams. Do you ever wake up and still feel them playing out in your thoughts as if it was a movie you just watched? Or woken up and felt just so grumpy or had existential dread? I sure have. I sometimes wakeup and the first thing I think about is ah, how am I going to make this money. A topic I’m excited to write about another time. 

So the question is, what is your “why” when you start doing a morning routine? Acting from a place of guilt or “should” is never a healthy way to start the day.

So how do we empower ourselves to practice healthy morning habits?

Try out this writing practice that is inspired by a journaling prompt from Manifestation Babe You can also try this first thing in the morning when the feelings are fresh.

-Take a few deep breaths to center yourself

-Reflect on moments in the morning you’ve woken up feeling shitty.

-Write down anything about these feelings, and dig into why by asking yourself… but why? Listen to the answer your mind shares.

-Close your eyes and reflect on that feeling you get when everything feels like sunshine and rainbows. Maybe it’s a delicious meal, landing in a new country, having cozy time on the couch with a movie. Let those memories fill you up with these feelings

-Now look back at the previous stuff you wrote and re-write everything, but switch it to an empowered version of yourself. We can all attain a positive spirit that is the key to receive inspiration, creativity, solutions, and excitement to forge forward. 

For example straight from my own journal: 

“I feel subtle pressure to get up and start the day, it came from a sense of shame-being hard on myself for times I let time be spent on unimportant things like scrolling.” 

Rewritten into:

“Mornings a sacred time I get to be with myself and connect with my heart, and wake up from dream time. It is a special time to do what is nourishing because it sets my day up for success in the sense of acting from a place of wholeness and heart. I love and am so grateful to have this time, and the environment to get outside and start my day with sunshine.”

The second paragraph is your why. What does it feel like when you have moved through the grumpiness, and truly woken up to be here in this body, with YOU? With your being? 

Morning routines, now I understand, aren’t suppose to be a scheduled pressured thing. It can be refocused into a loving communion with your soul. Maybe morning ritual is more fitting.

The overall intention is to wake up from dreams, process thoughts or emotions that are rooted in low feelings about yourself, and ground into your body and truth as a conscious being. 

There are many ways to do this. Lately I’ve been enjoying –  

  • walks outside to warm up my body
  • journaling
  • meditation
  • Dance and stretch
  • yoga 
  • Listening to audios from my mentors and teachers

I also have a morning meditation you can follow here. It’s meant for the first moments in the morning when you are still in bed and just sat up.

The best advice I have for creating your own morning ritual, is to start trying things out. See what works and what doesn’t. Make sure to have had a restful sleep the night prior. Seek out wellness mentors and coaches to get inspired for your self care morning ritual. See below for some of my current favorites, and share in the comments below your favorite morning practice at the moment!  

These ladies inspired my morning ritual:

Sabi Kerr – Self love coach

Kathrin Zenkina – Manifestation and Mindset coach

Ava Avatar – Leadership coach and quantum healer

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