It finally clicked.

When people say,

“follow your intuition.” Or

“follow what lights you up” I thought I understood. But it wasn’t until a yoga class that a deeper understanding clicked. This is applicable for everything in our life. For me, what I’m learning is how to have a heart centered business.

The instructor guided us to “Trust your body. Let your body guide you. Explore what is spacious and how to readjust into a position that opens your energy flow.”

Sometimes we can do this by moving out of the position, and then re-entering in a new form. A new approach with different foundations can offer another experience.

The amount of times, I’ve re-entered my business with a different approach. I was stuck in a cycle of repositioning. I scolded myself for constantly shifting, without true forward motion. What I was missing, was trust of that sensation of excitement and openness and running with it. It is more than enough. It is in fact the most juicy and valuable parts that align my business with my heart.

After almost 3 years of exploring what works and doesn’t in the form of my business, I have a list…

I don’t want to be in the form of:

A coach

A service provider

A niche

Location based

I am currently feeling expansive and loving the form of:









Creativity flowing through me every day, inspired by spiritual exploration. As I walk down the street I pause to notice the flowers. They share their medicine. I am honoring and going deeper into the spaces that light me up. I am so grateful to finally get it. To finally allow and receive the level of abundance available when I stop searching, and instead follow what excites me every day. I don’t have to settle for less. I choose to live for more. 

Thank you yoga class! My body guided me there, and I almost didn’t follow. I’m so grateful I did. 

If you are in the Venice/Marina Del Rey area, check out Yoga Nest and any class with Jessica. It was pure magic!

Follow and trust your body. Notice what feels expansive and what feels limiting. Trust that you are divinely supported and everything you desire is on the path of bliss. Keep going forward, keep solidifying a new story, and notice what your body is saying it needs and is excited for.

-Erika Julia

Girl in meadow with sunset 

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