[This post was first drafted October 24th 2023]

Sometimes, the places you go will give you a bitch slap, a body shake, a wake up from the Spirits and ancestors of the land.

Seattle reminded me of this. It had been awhile since I took a trip that brought me out of the East Coast of the U.S. I felt a little rusty. My body was so comfortable with the room in my parents house in Vermont where I had been living and tending to a broken heart.

What is precious about travel as you become more aware of your body, and the environmental impact it has on your experience, there will be places that really activate you.

Seattle, land surrounded by water, did it for me. Something about the West Coast has a flip effect in my body. It feels like I’m inside out.

The air was crisp and clear. Almost too clear for my comfort zone. The land being surrounded by water created a unique sensation. There were hills everywhere. You were up and down, then up and down. Yet at the same time I felt a hum of presence. The land itself has a high frequency. Coming from grounded Vermont was an adjustment.

As a tourist, what I was most excited to see was the famous Pike Place market, the landscape, and natural beauty. The real reason for this trip was to have quality time with my loves and besties Noelle and Lizzie and enjoy spooky season festivities together.

In this blog post I will share

  • Travel tips
  • An overview of our activities
  • Reflections of the energy felt and messages I received while on the land

Skip to this google maps list to get a quick view of where I visited

Setting the scene

Spooky season in Seattle is so much fun. There are fall colors, a great turn out for seasonal decor, and an array of activities and events. At the time of the Seattle trip, energetically things were ramping up. The eclipse portal was coming to a close and the powerful full moon was taking form. Halloween was upon us.

woman in front of original starbucks
a classic

For the costume portion of Halloween, we planned some really cute trio outfits that I’ll share below for your own inspiration. 

We dressed up as a witch coven trio for our night out, and characters from the slash horror show Scream Queens for a house party.

The first morning my friend brought me out for a run. This was such a beautiful introduction to my friend’s new neighborhood and to Seattle. We went up a steep hill for a minute, and at the top paused for the view. A layer of fog hovered above the river channel while the morning sun illuminated everything into a golden glow. After our run, Noelle and I bumbled our way on to a bus and into Pike Place while Lizzie went to work. I saw the fish, the flowers, the views, and it was majestic.

harbor view of Lake Washington Seattle


There is an easy to navigate public transportation system plus Uber and Lyft. Be sure to have exact change for a bus fair. However, there is so much value in having a car. My friend who lives in Seattle drove us around and made exploration much easier. The neighborhoods are spread out enough that it is a significant walking distance between them. Within one area you could maybe explore for a few hours but not much more. Taking the bus eats up a good amount of time so you can expect to lean on Uber or Lyft a fair amount.

If you are planning a trip to Seattle I recommend reminding yourself, you may not be able to see everything. I felt anxious before even starting our touristic stops. Seattle has A LOT to offer. Below are some key stops on our trip and places I recommend considering. Everything I went to is pinned on this google maps list.

What to wear

When we went, we were blessed with clear sky. The temps were Fall entering Winter and I recommend either bringing layers, or a Winter jacket. I really appreciated having a Winter jacket so I only had to wear a cozy shirt underneath. I also recommend comfortable walking sneakers. I even would bring a scarf or light gloves just in case. If you are planning a hike, bring warm layers that are good for a hike. We were all underdressed.

Museum District near the Space Needle:

The parks were so beautiful and serene. Since it was fall, the change of colors brought a glow into the canopy of trees that floated above us.

Within the Museum District we went to a Dia De Los Muertos celebration at the Seattle Center. It literally brought all three of us to tears. If anyone was passing through they’d see three small people, in a circle-hug, crying. I think we all needed a good release. It was also so incredibly heart warming to participate in a Latin American celebration. Having latin foods, music, and the incredibly beautiful dress inspired me and made me feel at home.

The area has a lot to offer. Along with the parks there were food courts and food trucks, along with museums you could visit.

museum district seattle fountain

Pike Place

Pike Place entrance sign

Food market pike place

fish market pike place

Easily a quick jaunt or a half day exploration. I enjoyed being in a place that I had only visited through movies and shows. Scattered throughout are fun shops that give fall Halloween vibes. We stopped in a few to buy decorations for a Halloween party my friend was hosting! Below are a couple notable spots from our stroll in the surrounding area.

Milagros Mexican Folk Art

The art was a catalyst for my next travel destination of Puerto Vallarta. It was another addition to the Latin American soulful rejuvenation that I had been missing in Vermont. This place is within the Pike Place market and a fun stop!

Olympic Sculpture Park

Bang Bang Cafe

Capitol Hill Neighborhood

Oddfellows Cafe + Bar Bookstore

Retrofit Home

Cha cha lounge


Nightlife in this neighborhood offered theatrical decorations that decked out the bars into a spooky scene. We mostly bounced around to explore the scene and have fun in our costumes. Pro tip: find a fanny pack to match your costume for going out and securing valuables.

Kerry Park

One of the best views of Seattle and the Space Needle.

skyline of seattle space needle

Washington Park Arboretum

If you are looking to connect with nature and stay within Seattle, this is a great option. Nearby is a quaint neighborhood of Madison Park that’s worth the walk or drive through.

Twin Falls Hike

A short drive North and you’ll find some hikes to try out. Prepare for it to be a few degrees colder than Seattle temps!

Peak through trees

Brainbridge Island

One of my absolute favorite parts of the trip was a day visit to Brainbridge Island. This place was such a happy moment. It was a great way to get in some solo time. The more I travel with others the more I realize, even if time is limited, incorporating some solo time is really important to maintain inner balance. Especially as an introvert, I benefit from the alone time to reflect and be in my own energy and flow.

The ferry ride was epic. I had so much fun getting the ticket, waiting for the boat, getting a coffee from the boat cafe. The views were spectacular, and the boat itself was so beautiful. The sun pierced through the clear blue sky and shined down on us creating gorgeous linear shapes and shadows with the boat’s landscape. (Every day of this trip was clear sky, we were blessed).

I recommend a weekday afternoon to avoid large crowds.

After the 30 minute ferry ride, I followed the crowd of people until my intuition told me to cross the street and split from the group. There was a walking trail that weaves through a very small wooded area. The trees and little birds that crossed my path felt like the right way to be introduced to the island.

Just a 5 minute walk away from the ferry port, the main street is lined with beautiful shops and dining spots. I get a wholesome community feel from my brief time there. I recommend walking the full stretch, ending with a stroll through the marina. (Where the main street ends, simply walk downhill). Be sure to time your return ferry if you are on a schedule. To get back to the ferry dock it took me 15 minutes speed walking and slightly jogging from the far end of the main street.

Fall leaves and mail box

View of Brainbridge harbor
Ferry departing from Brainbridge

Overall I would highly recommend a visit. This is a beautiful place with plenty to do and explore that are unique to the city. Gathering with friends in the Emerald City over Halloween was such a great choice.

Spiritual messages and psychic insights from Seattle

crows on bus sign

Okay, so hear me out. The space needle is no coincidence. The area feels very high frequency almost at level with higher dimensional beings. I wonder if I could feel this distinction because I had traveled from Vermont which is a very grounded place. The way the water moves and surrounds the area creates an environment that is easy for this connection to be made. Water transmits energy and information. Water is an element that can clear your energy and is reflective of the inner emotional experience.

Being around so much water felt very activating. Meaning, I could feel things from the shadows of my subconscious rise to the surface to be released. I felt more static energy because the frequency of the area was higher than I was accustomed to.

I sensed a general disconnect between the people and the ancestors and spirits of the land. This spiritual disconnect further fragments people from each other and their authentic selves. I felt it clearly as I traveled into the central downtown area.

The stark difference in wellbeing between people of different socio economic backgrounds is a manifestation of the history of oppression and violence being ingrained in our psyche. In my opinion one way to right this, is by reconciliation through connection with the land. It feels like there is so much communication of love available from the land of that region to be heard and seen. I am coming to learn that creating a barrier of connection to land is a modern form of oppressing indigenous voices and rights.

They are the ones who carry seeds of guidance that show us how to live in harmony with Earth and each other. Oppressing the value of native knowledge and guidance is a way of oppressing everyone.

More and more we are moving from an outdated power structure that ensures survival of the select few through fear and hierarchy, into one where everyone is living aligned with their authentic being and the spiritual law of abundance. This is a way of living that understands giving is receiving. Many indigenous systems of living reflect this.

A general theme I’ve realized as I’m re-awakening my own native consciousness, is that a relationship with land is pivotal to mind, body, spirit health, harmony and autonomy.

The truth will be awoken in each of us. Our hearts know how to live in harmony with our soul self, the Earth and all beings.

After a very brief google search I learned the original peoples who continue to live in Seattle is known as Duwamish People. They have lived there since time immemorial. You can learn more here.

There is a very distinct presence of land guides and guardians that you’ll likely find reflected in the indigenous peoples spiritual practices, traditions, and art. No matter your ancestral background, we all have ability to make connection with these guides, guardians and wisdom of the land.

Wherever you live, I invite you to explore connection with land in your own intuitively guided way. A great way to start is simply acknowledge the intention to connect and practice daily mindfulness. Presence with breath and body is a great way to feel into this path of love and freedom.

If you are into these topics or simply want to stay in the loop of future blog posts, I invite you to join my email list!

Thank you for reading through the blog post. I hope you have any amazing adventure through Seattle. If you have any questions or comments, share below.



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