Dear Reader is a series where I share an open and honest take of what I’m personally navigating or evolving through in this moment. I believe since we are all connected, as a collective what one person is going through, many others will relate in a different but thematically similar way. Also, my intention is that whomever is drawn to this post has a reason. Even if you are not reading this in the same season or year it was written, some messages are timeless. I’m sure your intuition brought you here for a reason. I hope my share inspires you in some way and reminds you, we are in this together.  

March 9th 2024


Dear Reader,

Boy it feels good to be here. The click clack of a keyboard feels so good. More clarity and alignment has been coming to me the past few weeks. We are currently in Pisces season. I’m not an expert on astrology, but I get it on a level. The astrological energies and what I learn from astrologers, always lines up with my own growth journey and what I am navigating internally. 

Waterfall Swim

Pisces Season has been asking me to be dedicated to the version of me I am choosing to be. No longer the girl who stays up late drinking and dancing at a club. Although I am envisioning some fun parties in my future, just a different kind! 

Re-establishing what I am no longer engaging with has helped me to truly let go of the Erika that was stuck in a cycle that I’m done with.

No T.V., no YouTube videos, no plant medicine, no alcohol, no engagement with social media. There’s a lot of no’s in this list. There is also a lot of joy because of it. Truly all of those things I am taking out of my life, were not supporting me. Maybe they did at one time, or I didn’t need to be so particular. But now, I feel more joy and peace with everything else. Instead I’ve been engaging with daily yoga and fitness, morning and evening manifestation visualization and journaling, daily meditation, time outside connecting with nature, practicing being in my body, alot of water. I’ve been elevating my room to align with feng shui guidance, and clearing out my storage in depth. I finally donated items that were emotionally tied with my past relationship. 

I’m basically going through a detox until Aries season begins March 20th. Depending on what season you are in when you read this, my share may resonate with what your intuition is nudging you to look into.

I am noticing in myself and for some of the people in my sphere, there is a nudge to dive deeper into our divine feminine embodiment. The world right now is being nudged to learn about and embody divine masculine and feminine energies that are within us. The harmony of both internally creates harmony in the world around us. You can simply choose for it to click into place. By being consistent with your change of behavior, self talk, and focusing on your inner knowing, so much will change. 

I’m in the midst of this. This time last year, I was jumping between New York City, and either Pennsylvania to stay with my cousins, or Vermont to stay with my family. I had invested all of the money I had available into a month-long trip to Los Angeles. I had been feeling called to visit there for the past few years. I couldn’t take New York City or the job I was in any more and I needed a different environment for the Winter. Since returning from L.A. my relationship slowly crumbled, and it became clear a lot of me was different. I fully moved out of New York City, and moved in to live with my parents in Vermont.

Stop doing the same things as before. The same cycles that you know don’t light you up. Stop accepting relationships with friends, employment, business opportunities, or romantic interests that aren’t actually serving the version of you that’s on your vision board. If you find yourself more happy and at peace when those energies are not in your life, and when you are by yourself, let them go. Let go of co-dependent behavior. Depending on something outside of you for the comfort and fulfillment is brittle. It gives power to something outside of you. When I am centered, in my body, and connected with myself whom I love and adore, I feel so much more at ease. It is so much better than any shitty relationship that leaves you feeling tired, or distracted from your true joy. I’m doing a huge overhaul on my boundaries, and being honest with what is aligned with me and what is not. 

I’ve been sitting with moments of self imposed guilt for saying no. But what keeps me focused has been knowing what I deserve. Knowing what it is I am receiving instead. Knowing that I cultivate joy and peace within me, and if something takes me away from being in my body and my fruitful life, it’s not for me. 

At the moment that means I’m spending a lot more time alone. Remember, you are your own best friend, your own lover, your own parent. You are a sovereign independent person who can create whatever life you desire. Focus on your heart, and engage with activities and people that nourish this positive connection with self.


I’ll pause here. In the next post, I’ll be sharing more about dark feminine energy and how it is here for your greatest expression of life too. 

Share below in the comments! How are you in this season? Did anything click or resonate for you and your journey? I’d love to hear and I’m sure others would too. 

You are invited to join my email list if you’d like to stay in the loop with new posts and personal updates! A monthly newsletter is guaranteed, and occasional emails may be sprinkled in. 


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