Welcome to this month’s New Moon Letter!

Grab a favorite beverage, get comfy and let’s dive in!

Looking back on the month of August…

It went by so fast. A lot happened within the world beneath the surface, and beyond the world with the higher realms of the universe. This physical Earth plane will begin to reflect those changes and shift in its own way as we transition into September.

Sometimes it can feel like we are just trying to get to the next golden moment. Or maybe we are waiting for that thing to manifest that will make everything better. Here is a reminder that focusing on this story will only keep you stuck in that place of being just out of reach of the next level.

The magic and bliss you seek exists in this moment.

It is accessed through deepening of presence and inner alchemy of the moment. Life is a moment to moment experience. Each moment you get to feel into blissful sensations of satisfaction and inner peace. Each breath is an opportunity to have it all. Grounded, fulfilled, everything taken care of. Simply shift your focus and surrender into the feeling of ease and love.

[I will be sharing how to cultivate this in an upcoming email series. More info at the end of this email!]

It’s funny how reflecting on August and what channels through brings me to my “planned share” for September.

Continue to shift to the expansive and empowering thoughts and feelings.

Your bliss life is literally here right now.

Within every moment of spiraling into a negative or destructive thought or focus, simply take a breath to re-center.

With that breath feel into your body and re-center with yourself and the feeling of expansive abundance. The feeling of I live in a world of limitless possibility and everything is already taken care of.

What you focus on becomes your reality. What you know deep down is possible, will present itself with ease.

We all have access and capacity to choose what to nurture and grow. Get clear on the way you want to experience an area of life. Reaffirm it in a statement any time you start to focus on the limiting version that has been an experience of your past.

The story you choose to nurture and grow for your radiance and bliss will over time outshine any forces that try to sway you.

Choose a new path.

Wishing you the best for your month ahead.



A Few Favorite Moments of August

Enjoying more time with my niece as my mom and sister take on daycare duty for the month. Her infectiously joyful smile is precious

Stretching my edges and going to a half day retreat in the mountains of Vermont. Sauna, waterfall plunges, yoga nidra, sound bath, and a beautiful charcuterie board! This waterfall was so refreshing and magical. The area of Mad River Valley reminded me of the Diamante Valley of Costa Rica. I loved dipping into this pool of water and relaxing my muscles in the heat of a sauna. I’ll be sharing more about this in a blog post I’m writing. It was such a nourishing supportive way to integrate the full moon and recent 8/8 portal. Check out https://www.malaikayoga.com/events

The day following the waterfall adventure, I enjoyed a dance session with mariposa movement. I witnessed my energy as a tree, rooted deep and branching high. The following day I pulled this card that confirmed what I saw and my current energy. Healing Tree of Light.

Driving into the mountains of Vermont again. This time to enjoy cacao from Prophecy Chocolate. I had this place on a bucket list ever since I discovered them while visiting Boston. The chocolate maker sources their beans from an area of Peru not far from where my dad was born. The owner created Prophecy Chocolate after spending time learning and working with farmers that grow and harvest the cacao. We chatted about Peru and enjoyed that common connection of something dear to both of our hearts. The day continued with beautiful interactions with people who reminded me I can create my reality. They were examples of a new belief I have been choosing, manifested into form.

Transitioning into Fall, my mom, nephew and I went a week early to our favorite apple orchard. It has become a bit of a tradition that her and I go to Hackett’s Orchard before their pick your own season kicks off. We go for the cider donuts before the crowds. Tucker is there for the epic playground. In this image I captured the moment they moved a wooden crate full of apples. Fall is just around the corner!

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Within a single breath we can rewire our mind and body that it is safe and okay to relax into this moment. Be here now. From this place of presence and full body peace, we become attuned with true prosperity, satisfaction, and ease.
— Erika Julia

Foundations of Blissful Living

Coming to your inbox September 15th

Each month via email I will share a foundation of bliss living that I utilize on a daily basis to maintain balance and inner peace with myself.

What will I share each month is to help maintain a mind-body-soul holistic wellbeing from the inside-out. Similar to brushing your teeth everyday to prevent tooth decay or nasty breath, Blissful Living begins as a daily practice.

Your bliss timeline reveals itself through everyday moments of life and through action led by your heart and intuition. The bliss vibes are easier to access with these foundations integrated into every day life. Everything I will share is meant to be incorporated and expanded upon in a way that feels best for you. As my favorite online yoga teacher says, follow what feels good.

Maybe listening to your heart and intuition is something that feels foreign. Stick around, I am here to help you develop these skills.

If you would like to go through each month of teachings with a group of people for accountability and deeper learning, reply to this email. I would love to put together a group of people. Once I have an idea of interest, we can make it our own and set up a monthly catch up call or a group chat. The space is open for interpretation and as much participation as you have available and interest.

What is Bliss Living?

It is learning more about yourself, as a uniquely gifted individual, and empowering yourself to love every aspect of you. Remembering your true nature as a creator of your experience and world. Creating the world from the inside-out to align with what lights you up, what empowers your joy, and values your holistic wellbeing.

Do you know of someone who’d enjoy this? Send them to my email list to join along!

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